Take a look at what I have been working on!

Foto of dictionary app


Using React and APIs

This React project is a search engine for any word in the english language. Through the use of a dictionary API as well as a picture API, it gives you explanations, phonetics, example phrases and photos of any word you want to look up. Through working on this project I got a bit more experienced with react and API calls.

Be eloquent

React Weather App

Using React.js as well as HTML, CSS and Javascript

This is one of the latest pages I built. Also, it is the first one for which I was using react.js, a quite exciting tool, allowing for many shortcuts instead of incredibly long lines of code. It allows for a worldwide city search and then gives you the current weather at that place as well as a forecast of 5 days, which it retrieves through 2 API calls.

What is my weather?

Foto of react weather app
Foto of weather app

Weather App

Using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and APIs

This was one of the most complete and challenging projects I have been working on so far. The App includes an HTML structure, CSS styling, JavaScript functions and two API calls. It gives you the current weather information from any city worldwide, or if wished also retrieves weather information from your current location without typing in a city.
Furthermore, through the use of another API call, it also gives you a weather forecast for the upcoming 5 days.

Go to try the weather app

Judo Infopage

Using HTML, CSS and basic JavaScript

I am incredibly passionate about Judo, so as a learning project I created a landingpage for everone wishing to learn more about this fantastic, olympic sport. It includes an HTML structure, CSS styling and basic JavaScript functions, allowing you to change the colour theme and to enjoy some effects on the images. Also find more information on the linked webpage of my current Judo Club, a place where you can find me regularly on the mat!

Go to learn about Judo

Foto of judo page
Foto of pesto landingpage

Pesto Landingpage

Using HTML and CSS

Being one of my first learning projects, it contains an HTML structure and basic CSS styling. This page contains information about one of my favourite foods and is aiming to present a collection of different recipes.

I feel hungry for pesto